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The Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version)

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Abstract Volume 1 Issue 4 (1996), S1430-4171(96)04048-4

Depicting Chemistry in a Big Way: A Joint Chemistry Club, Art Club Mural Project

L. Kraig Steffen,1* Jo Yarrington,2 Marissa Berton,1 and Mike Sinatra1

1Department of Chemistry, 2Department of Art, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT 06430

Published online: 30 September1996

Abstract. In cooperation with the Fairfield University Fine Arts Club, our ACS Student Affiliates chapter coordinated a mural painting project. Club members from art and chemistry designed, coordinated, and created a series of murals depicting important chemical themes on the walls of the main science building at Fairfield University, Bannow Hall. Cooperation of the art students and their advisor was critical to the success of this activity. The art students were given the opportunity to learn a little chemistry while the chemistry students received a taste for the enormous amount of work involved in producing artwork. The department now has a much more lively set of walls.

Key Words: Of Special Interest; chemistry club; art club; murals

(*) Corresponding author. (E-mail:

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Issue date: September 30 , 1996

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