Vol. 3  Iss. 4
The Chemical Educator
© 1998 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
ISSN 1430-4171
S 1430-4171(98)04225-X

Book Review

A Working Method Approach for Introductory Physical Chemistry Calculations by Brian Murphy, Clair Murphy, and Brian J. Hathaway

Reviewed by
Hugh Cartwright
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory , South Parks Road,
Oxford University, Oxford, England OX1 3QZ

A Working Method Approach for Introductory Physical Chemistry Calculations. The Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN 0-85404-5534-8. 152 pages.

The authors of A Working Method Approach for Introductory Physical Chemistry Calculations have a laudable aim. Recognizing the difficulty that many first-year chemistry students have with calculations, they have set out to guide students through calculations using a logical stepwise approach.

The book is almost entirely devoted to problem solving, with only a brief overview of some aspects of physical chemistry, which is included as background material. While the working-method approach seems to amount to little more than exhortations to use a logical approach to problems, there are plenty of examples for students to read through, study, and practice on, and most teachers would endorse the attempt to persuade students to work logically.

Unhappily, though the aims of the authors are praiseworthy, the book itself is not. A number of serious problems exist, which are of such magnitude that the book is more likely to confuse than illuminate. Most notable is the poor quality of the figures. These are simple line drawings, but the authors appear to have done little to ensure that they are correct. For example:

These are serious problems, but further problems exist in the body of the text. For example: This book could have met a real need in the teaching of physical chemistry. Given a thorough rewrite, it might still do so, but at present the errors it contains are so severe that I would not suggest my own students buy a copy, and reluctantly I cannot recommend it to others.