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The Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version)

Table of Contents

Abstract Volume 7 Issue 6(2002) pp 364-365

A Chemiluminescent Clock Reaction: A Dramatic Illustration of Competing Reaction Kinetics

Miguel O. Mitchell

Department of Chemistry, Henson School of Science and Technology, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD 21801, USA,
Received June 24, 2002. Accepted October 17, 2002

Published online: 24 October 2002

Abstract. In the presence of both rubrene and perylene dissolved in hexanes, oxalyl chloride and hydrogen peroxide react to generate three different colors of light in the order yellow, then white, and finally blue. Student observers with additional TLC data can develop a simple kinetics model involving competing fluorescer decomposition and emission events.

Key Words:  Laboratories and Demonstrations; analytical chemistry; chromatography

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Issue date: December 1, 2002

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