The Chemical EducatorISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version) Abstract Volume 9
Issue 2 (2004) pp 80-88 Estimating Precision in Derived QuantitiesRobert de Levie Chemistry Department, Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME, 04011, Published online: 16 March 2004 Abstract. The estimation of the precision of derived quantities is discussed. Both the propagation of imprecision and the display of imprecision contours require the use of either orthogonal polynomials or, more conveniently, the covariance matrix. The necessary expressions are given as well as illustrations of their use. Macros are available to facilitate the application of these methods on Excel spreadsheets.
Key Words: In the Classroom; analytical chemistry; computers (*) Corresponding author. (E-mail: Article in PDF format (777 KB) HTML format Supporting Materials:
Issue date: April
1, 2004 |