The Chemical EducatorISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version) Abstract Volume 13
Issue 4 (2008) pp 260-263 Student’s Perceptions and Approaches to Hybrid Instruction in a Liberal Studies Chemistry CourseGeorge R. Long Department of Chemistry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania,Indiana,
PA 15705, Published online: 23 July 2008 Abstract. The behavior of students taking a liberal studies chemistry course using a hybrid instruction method was studied. Results indicate that the course effectively engaged students, both in terms of online activity and course completion, with students in the hybrid course obtaining a significantly higher completion rate than previous courses. Fears regarding the lack of academic integrity of the hybrid course were shown to be unfounded.
Key Words: Of Special Interest; general chemistry (*) Corresponding author. (E-mail: Article in PDF format (47 KB) HTML format Issue date: August
1, 2008 |