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The Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version)

Table of Contents

Abstract Volume 23 (2018) pp 186-187

Advancing Food Science: Mary Engle Pennington

Rick C. White

Department of Chemistry, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77340,

Published: 15 August 2018

Abstract. Over the years, women often faced uphill battles in gaining employment both in academia and in industry. Although Rachel Lloyd was unable to receive her Ph.D. in America, she did receive her Ph.D. from Zurich, but faced hurdles while pursuing a career at the University of Nebraska. Mary Engle Pennington had to confront similar biases, but made several advances in nutritional chemistry by studying the effects of temperature on the shipping of foods. She received the Notable Service Award winner from President Hoover in 1919 and an ACS Garvey Medal winner in 1940.

Key Words: Chemistry and History; nutritional chemistry

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