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The Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version)

Table of Contents

Abstract Volume 25 (2020) pp 1-4

Hands-on Visualization Approach to Understanding Protein Folding in Biochemistry

Cassidy M. Dobson

Department of Chemistry, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, 63501,
Received September 20, 2019. Accepted November 11, 2019.

Published: 27 January 2020

Abstract. A classroom activity focused on protein folding is introduced to biochemistry students. This activity is inexpensive, but provides a unique approach by differentiating amino acid R-groups both by type and size by the incorporation of different colored pipe cleaners. By first understanding the types of amino acids and the sizes of their R-groups students are able to simulate unique polypeptide chains. From this, students fold their construction into a 3-dimensional model based on intermolecular interactions and sterics. This classroom activity first starts with students constructing a linear chain of amino acids of various sizes and polarity using different colored pipe-cleaners for flexibility. The students can then generate structures and fit them to a final 3-D protein model. By teaching students about protein folding using a color and size scheme this hands-on visualization approach improves current activities of constructing protein models for classroom activities.

Key Words: In the Classroom; biochemistry; protein folding; amino acids; hands-on learning/manipulatives; problem solving/decision making; physical models

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