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The Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171 (electronic version)

Table of Contents

Abstract Volume 25 (2020) pp 169-174

Automatic Evaluation of Slope Comparison Tests in Analytical Chemistry E-Learning Classes

Olga Monago-Maraña, Elísabet Martín-Tornero, David Muñoz de la Peña, Teresa Galeano-Díaz, and Arsenio Muñoz de la Peña*,†

Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Extremadura, 06006, Badajoz, Spain,; Department of Automation and Systems Engineering, University of Seville, 41092, Seville, Spain
Received April 15, 2020. Accepted August 11, 2020.

Published: 15 September 2020

Abstract. This study presents a method to grade laboratory practices and exercises of analytical chemistry, used within the course entitled “Advanced Analytical Chemistry” of the Chemistry Degree, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Extremadura (Spain). Particular emphasis was made on the automation of grading and personalization of the exercises. The former was made through Doctus, a teaching platform available at the University of Seville, while the latter was achieved by defining the input data of the exercises and the requested results as a function of the digits of the student’s ID. The students’ knowledge and competence acquired during the academic course is evaluated when they try to solve a personalized problem with the proposed application. In this paper, the procedure and tools for assigning and grading a Student’s t-test for the comparison of slopes are presented.

Key Words: Laboratories and Demonstrations; analytical chemistry; e-learning; undergraduate course; student t-test

(*) Corresponding author. (E-mail:

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Supporting Materials:

The MatLab evaluation code developed for the test of comparison of the slopes of two calibration lines is provided as Supporting Materials. (83 KB)

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